Regional Economic Communities

A business and community paradigm which is viable in the long-term – a concept worth living

Funding via joint-ownership certificates

The CPO issues joint-ownership certificates with and without the entitlement to vote. It determines the amount and price in pounds or dollars itself. At the CPO's conception, a certificate may cost 1000 pounds or dollars. Joint-ownership certificates issued later may differ in price – it depends on the value in pounds or dollars of the share certificates which are already in existence at that time. Shares of the CPO can be acquired as multiples of thousandths by means of national money (one-time payment or instalments), active involvement or contribution in kind.

Issue of joint-ownership certificates
Issue of joint-ownership certificates

There are those types of work which serve to increase the value of material goods (e.g. the renovation of a building), and those aimed at maintaining ongoing business operations or the production of consumer goods (e.g. the planting of salad). Some types of work lie somewhere in between (e.g. the search for and correction of faults in a production facility). The question of how much of the members active involvement can be paid with joint-ownership certificates depends on the assessment or estimation of how much this work contributes to the long-term viability of the company.

The purchase or transfer of shares with the entitlement to vote is only possible with the approval of the CPO. Approval is not necessary for shares without the entitlement to vote.

Financing via loans from financial institutions is not envisaged, and for good reason: Nowadays, retail prices contain on average about 40% interest costs. The exact value for a given product is calculated from this product's share of the interest burden of the entire supply chain involved in making it. If the products are manufactured using interest-free capital, then the amount of money saved in this way can be used to help in the development of sustainability.

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