Regional Economic Communities

A business and community paradigm which is viable in the long-term – a concept worth living

Distinguishing the Concept from Cooperatives

As the first implementation (in Munich) got under way, there was quite a lot of confusion between the concept (as explained here) and the Cooperative. Both had websites, but the concept website was the one which people had bookmarked. It proved an uphill battle to get people clear on where to register for the general newsletter and where to find out about the Cooperative.

To save you this "hassle", we suggest using a clear and distinct way of referring to each right from the start:

  • Concept: Regional Economic Communities
  • Cooperative: ReeComm

Then people can say "I've just joined my local ReeComm", and "It's a Cooperative based on the concept of Regional Economic Communities".

Example ReeComm-Logo

The logo of your cooperative could for example look like this – or anything else you may prefer.

We've also secured some internet domains based on these suggestions and will be glad to provide you subdomains if you wish.

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