Regional Economic Communities

A business and community paradigm which is viable in the long-term – a concept worth living

Manifesto for ReeComms

May this suggestion be of help formulating your own manifesto.

The Spirit of ReeComm

  • Every being is already in relationship with all other beings.
  • The common good of the human community and the community of living beings have the highest priority, since personal wellbeing is only possible within communal wellbeing and an intact ecosphere.
  • Every person is a unique bond of body, soul and spirit. Bodily health and the fulfillment of material needs are important factors in wellbeing; but how someone feels about and interprets their circumstances is even more fundamental for wellbeing.
  • The practice of receptive and space-giving qualities such as self-reflection, heedful living, communicating your feelings in the "I" form, honesty, non-violence, compassion and clarity is correspondingly important.
  • Active qualities such as creativity, spontaneity, zest, courage, focused action and the willingness to accept responsibiliy are equally important.

Tasks of the ReeComm

  • The goal of »MyTown« ReeComm is the implementation of the concept of Regional Economic Communities in the »MyTown« area. The implementation is based on the concept but will be extended and interpreted via local democratic process.
  • On the material level we are all sitting together in the same boat. We will do everything we can to pass the boat on not degraded and used up but enhanced and replenished to the coming generations.
  • To this end the ReeComm offers local citizens the possibility to become joint owners of local assets which are chosen for long-term value and their striving for sustainability. These will be both material assets and local firms serving the basic needs of people. This allows national currency to be converted into useful facilities and meaningful activity, and helps citizens to identify with their local businesses.
  • The ReeComm runs a marketplace for both commercial and private trades with its own currency, the Grok. The Grok is a complementary currency not linked to national currency, whose value is underpinned by the assets of the ReeComm.
  • The concept also describes models for founding businesses, succession within companies, debt relief and cooperation wih municipal authorities. The »MyTown« ReeComm will try to implement these facets in due time.

These things help us to progress…

  • The deliberate cultivation of creativity and temperance to use our shared and limited resources as sparingly as possible.
  • The questioning both of old assumptions and traditions and of new ideas, customs and technologies. To make getting to the root of things a habit, and to always think about the long-term consequences of our current actions.
  • Putting the focus on that which connects rather than that which estranges. There is already a great number of initiatives making very valuable contributions; therefore, we always first look for cooperation. The special character of the ReeComm as a commercial enterprise should make cooperation with groups focused on education, politics, culture and environmental issues particularly rewarding.
  • The active integration of personal and interpersonal aspects of life with the daily workings of the ReeComm. This can include corporate culture, the way we meet and deal with each other, participatory methods of solution finding (World-CafĂ©, ReeComm-Game etc.), internal offers for active members in the areas of coaching, mediation, training, and so on.
  • Listening, putting oneself in the others position, practicing compassion. These things establish the awareness of connection and support dealings with each other that lead to abundance and fulfillment. Feeling connected helps to avoid being intrusive and brings forth joy.
  • Treating every being we meet as a valued friend.